Self- Fulfilling Prophecy

I've got no sympathy for you, though I tried to at one time. You were always so damn negative, talking about how the world is awful and that you were miserable. I agreed that it can be bad, but there is so much good as well. You never liked hearing that. You could rant for hours about how things were awful, it always made me depressed. You see, I was like that once and recovering myself. I tried to kill myself when I was 13 after years of self harm and emotional abuse. I sought counseling and medication as needed. You self medicated and denied any outside help. Not that it mattered, but you had a good life. No struggles with money and family who were willing to help you. I never understood. Now I carry half of your genetics, soon to be born in a few short weeks. A little boy who you refused to acknowledge and threatened, one who will never know that you turned to heroine. One who will never know you. You fulfilled your own sad prophecy and I will never let myself or my son head to that hopeless place. He's going to be much better than you, and better than I. And I will never let myself fall into another relationship like ours for his sake, I will be the role model he needs. And my family will be all he needs, good people who don't give up. Thank you for my beautiful son, but that is all I will ever thank you for. Good luck with your life.