Very hungry baby boy


Hi all,

I’m looking for some advice please.

I’ve got a 3 week old baby boy who seems to always be hungry!! He’s on the breast for about half an hour every hour / hour and a half. The last two nights he’s been on the breast almost constantly and howls the house down when I try to take him off.

I appreciate that our growth hormones are at a peak at night and babies like to feed more then but I’m bog-eye’d tired! He then gets tired about 5-6am and sleeps for 2 hours, waked for a feed and a coo for an hour then goes off to sleep for another 2 hours. He’s then restless and hungry throughout the day on and off.

I’m looking for tips to try and get his body clock moving in the right direction and also maybe increasing my milk supply - assuming he’s latched on so much because he’s hungry and not because he’s just comforting 🤔

He’s also suffering colic so I’m reluctant to top him up with formula until it’s settled.

Im a first time mum and new to this so any life experiences would be welcome. Thank you ladies XxX