why? (solid struggles with 11 month old)

Aly • 💞 mama bear to 💜Olivia 1/23/17 and 💙 Charlie 8/21/18

my daughter is nearly 11 months. she's been eating finger foods for about 5 months. we started spoon feeding (per doctor recommendation) at 4 months and her first finger food was mushy black beans. anyway, she's refused to be spoon fed for months now so she's been feeding herself for quite some time but this just started happening in the last few weeks. sometimes she will stop eating and refuse to swallow or spit the food she has in her mouth. at first I thought it was just the toast wasn't made to her liking and she was just trying to get it soggy before swallowing. but she's done it with bananas, eggs, and cheerios too and they're her favorites! 🤔 I wonder if it's bc she's "done" but if I don't clear her tray fast enough, she'll just keep eating until she literally can't swallow another bite. I don't know. has anyone else experienced this? any tricks to get her to spit it out when it does occur? normally she poops during or right after eating so I don't really want to lay her down to change her while she's still got food in her mouth. she refuses to let me in to dig it out. she has her 8 front teeth and this didn't start until after she got all of them. I've been wondering if she's working on her first molars already bc she has some other symptoms of it. man, it's always something with this girl! 😏