Pain level

My pain level is always so bad when I’m ovulating making is so difficult to have sex. I’ve been off BC for a year now have been TTC since then. I’m just can’t take this pain anymore. I feel like I’m in the verge of giving up. After a year of being in horrible pain for 3 weeks out of the month I just don’t think I can keep going. I’ve started to see a fertility specialist who can’t seem to find any reason I am not getting pregnant. I want to be a mom so badly and it scares me to think I might not be able to be.😞 I just feel so down and defeated. It also doesn’t help that 90% of my Facebook friends are all announcing pregnancies and posting pictures of there bumps. None of them have been planned either. I want to be happy for them and I think I am. But part of me is so damn bitter. And no one in my life can really understand what I’m going through. My husband tries and he is so supportive but he can’t help me or make this feeling go away. 😢