July 2nd 2016I was 37 weeks and 4 days pregnant

July 2nd 2016
I was 37 weeks and 4 days pregnant. We woke up very early because we were moving into our new home. Well our baby had other plans. We were an hour from our hospital and my contractions started around 5:30 am. We started driving to my hospital when I had my husband pull over. I called 911 freaking out because my baby was coming. A fire fighter had heard it on the police scanner and was near by so he showed up before the EMT and ambulance. Only 40 min of labor and a fire fighter delivered my baby boy on the side of the road in the passenger seat of my husbands car. The ambulance showed up and got us to the hospital. My son was doing great and weight 6lb 14oz and 20 1/2 inches tall. We ended up going home the next day to our new house that was barely unpacked. But my husband made sure the nursery was ready for our baby. It was a crazy experience and not what I was expecting for baby number 2. Sawyer River💚