40lbs Down and at a standstill?


Me on the right, Thanksgiving 2016, at 230lbs.

Nov 23, 2017 at 190lbs, post workout photo

So, I lost 40 lbs while locked up for 10 months, mostly just walking alot (and a little cause of prison food...gag)

I've now been home since Nov 21 and have added circuit training to my routine and am eating healthier. I haven't lost anymore but I have maintained...

Have I hit a plateu and need to tweak my fitness routine/ eating habits, or am I just expecting results too quickly?

UPDATE: forgot to add this earlier; text from my grandma after she saw me on my parents roof putting up their Christmas lights; sooo supportive! Most everyone in my life commented on the weight loss when I got home, but she continues to point out things I can do now that I couldn't before, which is a HUGE motivation! Thanks, Juju! ::