Newborn Help

I am a FTM with a 10 day old baby and tbh I feel like I’m doing everything wrong. My baby nurses so sporadically and falls asleep nursing then wakes up 10 minutes later still super hungry. I try to keep him awake but it’s so hard sometimes the only thing that works is taking everything off besides his diaper and using a wet cloth on him. I’ve had such a hard time getting him to sleep at night too... we do the whole lights on during the day thing and use very few lights at night, I try to do one long feed right before he goes to bed, but then about 10-15 minutes after putting him down he starts crying. Sometimes for no reason, other times because he apparently didn’t eat enough (how can you tell when they’ve had enough?..) and other times because he’s gassy or gets the hiccups and they piss him off. I feel like no matter how much reading I do I just constantly feel completely lost and confused. He cries so much and I can hardly put him down — the only way he gets a decent amount of sleep is if he’s literally laying on his stomach on my chest, so most nights I end up holding him until he falls asleep and then falling asleep myself because every time I put him down he wakes up upset. I just feel like there has to be something I’m missing and as worried as I am about creating poor sleep habits I’m also worried about maintaining my sanity. I have terrible anxiety that I take medication for especially related to sleep and I get so anxious after an hour or so of being up with him. I just don’t know what to do. Please if you have any advice I’d be so grateful.