Being induced went to c section.


I was due the 21st was supposed to be induced the 14th due to high blood pressure and swelling was stuck at 3CM for 15 hours! Dr broke water at 7am hurt like hell started getting contractions had to get epidural that hurt like hell too cause I was contracting bad I was shaking the nurse had to hold me down, well I didn't progress at all so my dr told

Me I could wait 6 more hours to see if I would dilate or have a c section I chose the c section I had a bad anxiety attack when I felt pressure of my dr pushing my stomach and putting staples in me I almost passed out cause I could feel all of it, finally I got to see her but I was so doped up cause of the pain I went to sleep on the OR table I woke up and my husband had our baby girl feeding her, she was 8 pounds 1 oz and 21 inches long her name is Zoei nolana Wilson and she is beautiful!