Period 18 days late...


So this is my first time EVER posting something on this kind of platform. ( I’m so shy) I have read countless stories of women trying to conceive and was successful and some struggling like me. I have been trying to get pregnant for about 4 or 5 months now and it is so hard😔 I️ have been using this app for a while now and it’s usually really on point with my predictions untilllll last month when AF was suppose to arrive on the 25th... I didn’t have my usual “before AF symptoms” which was strange🤔 except for slight cramp the Monday and Tuesday before she was due. Oh and me and significant other did have sex on my predicted ovulation day and like every other day (or so) leading up to it. So fast forward to now... some days I️ have mild cramping... some days I️ feel really wet down there... some days my boobs feel like someone is pinching them... some days I’m really moody😤 I️ have taken countless test and all were BFN... my doctor told me to wait until I️ miss 2 cycles before I️ can come in for testing... Any advice ladies??? ( sorry for the long story😩)