Toddler sleeping issues?


My child has been sleeping in his crin since day 1. He’s been sleeping just fine in his vein in his own room but lately I’ve noticed that he doesn’t want to sleep in his room he cry’s and cry’s and cry’s. Spray I thought maybe if I convert his room into a toddler bed he’d want to sleep in it but no. He kept crying and crying and crying. So I laid in bed with him and he fell asleep then as I was getting out he woke up and started crying. Suddenly he started throwing up which I’ve noticed everything I let him cry it out and go to sleep in his vein he has thrown up. Anyone have and tips or tricks? Anyone gone thru this with those toddler? I need help. I don’t know what to do anymore. He sleeps just fine in our room with us but I don’t want him sleeping with us all the time. HELP!