Posting in multiple groups. Help?

Does anyone else just feel awful? I had my baby two months ago and I'm so nervous and sad all. The. Time. I dread the nights because I never know how often I'll have to wake up. I dread the days because I feel like I'm too exhausted to be a good parent and I'm afraid I'll sleep through my baby crying. I'm a nervous wreck all the time and feel like I need a break from caring for my baby but when someone else watches her I'm so panicky because I'm not caring for her myself. I feel so nervous when I care for her but don't trust anyone else to take care of her well, not even my husband. I HAVE spoken with my doctor and am on celexa, but I still feel so so bad all the time. I told them that I'm still feeling awful too and they recommended support groups but I don't think I have time etc to get to a meeting and I don't want to leave my baby. I feel crazy for needing space and needing to be close to my baby all at the same time. I feel utterly alone and afraid. I have this sense of impending doom all the time. It takes me forever to fall asleep because my mind won't turn off so I haven't been sleeping more than two hour stretches since my baby was born. I have a husband who tries to help but it doesn't ease my nerves. I don't like to let him take over because when I should be getting some sleep I just sit in my bed and cry because I'm nervous and miss my baby even if she's just in the living room with dad. I'm so terribly sad because I feel like I'm missing out on joy and these special times because I feel too awful to be happy or even just level headed. When does it get better? I don't know how much longer I can do this without turning insane. What can I do if I've already gone to my doctor and meds aren't enough?