i can’t get wet


i’m a naturally horny person (i’m a pisces, always horny) lol & always wet, & i live by pisces always being wet. anyways i took a plan b pill last month & i bled for like 13 days straight, terrible.. the bleeding caused me to be beyond irritated. now i can’t get wet! i feel like my vagina isn’t cleaning itself well enough because i took that damn pill! usually i have vaginal discharge because of course my vagina is cleaning itself, but since i took the pill last month i don’t have any discharge.. like “cleaning” wise, & when i talk about sex with my guy i can’t get wet, kissing doesn’t make me wet & usually it does. don’t say “use lube” because i’m not having sex right now lol. i just want my wetness to come back, my vagina’s so dry & i told my gyno & they won’t do anything about it 🤦🏽‍♀️ they suggested using REPLENISH or whatever from walmart, but i wasn’t sure if that’d help... i want more of natural ways to get my juices flowing back!