Swaddle Help


Before I get started, my son has terrible acid reflux to the point he chokes and has trouble breathing. His pediatrician recommends he sleep in the rock n play we have rather than the flat cradle we originally intended. Now for my question, my son is 3 months old and we have always swaddled him. He can’t roll in the Rock n Play so we continued to use swaddle blankets. He recently discovered his hands and now goes to bed at 8 and by the time I go to bed, his hands are out and at his mouth. If he can’t get his hands out completely, he pulls the blanket up to his face. Not good. We have a Halo sleepsack and tried it during his nap today but because of the position of the rock n play, when he wants his hands, he burrows down into it. Not good. For tonight, I left his arms out but he’s so restless and hasn’t been sleeping. It’s like the freedom of his arms is startling him awake. My last resort is to buy Swaddleme swaddles. I have four of them but they are the smallest size and he has outgrown them. Since we didn’t use them, I’d hate to go by more unless I was reassured they work for others. Is the Velcro strong enough on them to not allow my little guy to pull his arms up? If there are any other suggestions from Rock n Play moms, Id love to hear them! Everything is going in his mouth already!! Blankets, bibs (he’s 12 weeks today and needs them for drool because of how bad the reflux is), and even mittens can no longer be worn.