Tips for milk coming out too fast?


My babe is 10 days old and breastfeeding was smooth. He has a great latch and was eating about 10 minutes on each breast, but the last few days he has had some fussy episodes where he is rooting and giving signs of hunger but will either latch and come right off or pull his head away and cry. When he does latch he is usually only in for about 3 minutes and I can see the milk pooling up, so I know he is getting some milk. He has frequently dirty and wet diapers, so I just don't know if it's enough of the milk rich in fats. It can take him up to a couple hours with short spurts of feeding in between for him to come back to a neutral space where he isn't upset. I've been laying back more while feeding hoping gravity will help with the pace of the milk coming out and burping frequently. Is this just something we both have to wait out until he gets bigger and can handle how much milk I'm producing or what? It just hurts my heart seeing him so frustrated wanting to feed, but either seeming too full or digesting everything too fast.