Why am I experiencing symptoms so early...

🌸Diana🌸 • Mommy to a 5yr old handsome little man & married to my amazing husband💙💖💙expecting baby #2 August 2018 but our 2nd baby is now our rainbow baby🌈👶🏻😔

Last month I got my period November 27th and ended on December 5th--The flow in the beginning was brownish and very light not enough to fill a super tampon or even a light tampon. That lasted 3days by day 4 cycle was actual blood red but still light flow.usually First 3-4days I have to double up on tampon and pad. My husband and I got excited we thought I had implantation,but by day 4 we knew it was my period. Well here it is Dec 14th & I am experiencing cramping,sore breast, emotional and tired--I woke up this morning went potty like usual & saw some blood on the toilet paper--I have felt nauseous all morning.Its way to early for my next scheduled period,but could this be a sign that I am pregnant.Ladies I would love to know your opinions.If I test with us TTC a negative would just bring us down again. 😏