
So I’ve been with my bf for over a year now, but the beginning of our love story wasn’t so great. I had a back n forth thing with my ex of 4 years, so I put him through a lot .

However, when we were first dating before making thins official, we used to have sex every single day sometimes 2-3 tines a day. It was good.

Then we made our relationship official after 3 months of talking and sex, and I kid you not the sex stopped 😠😭

I feel like I need him to have sex with me. We will have sex like 3 a week of that, and I hate it. I continue to tell him that we act like we’re older with too much on our plate to have sex and he just says:

I’d rather cuddle or just talk. And we’ve talked about it plenty of times before so it’s not like I’m not communicating my issues and concerns

But he just says , it’s because when you have ex troubles, I would sex you up so you’d pick me basically, and now that he has me, he doesn’t think twice.

Idk I feel like as a women to have sex frustration at 21 is ridiculous