1st ultrasound and advice on pubic pain.


We received our 1st transvaginal ultrasound this week. Docs office does ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. Baby was measuring 5/5 now 6 weeks! Puts us a week behind a due date of Aug 1 which would have been 1st day of last menstrual cycle but coincides much more with sexy time / ovulation when hubby was home. I have these dates down due to him being a pilot and keeping track of his schedule (it’s the only way I would know lol).

No heartbeat yet but not uncommon as it wasn’t past 6 weeks.

Doc set up another ultra sound the week of Christmas but I’ll be rescheduling till after the New Year due to insurance... I would rather have out of pocket expenses on our new insurance year to meet deductible and out of pocket expenses sooner rather than later. Haha!

New symptom / pain.... pubic bone pain. Anyone go through this this early and have any advice to reduce pain? It’s not UTI or Kidney infection nor ligament pain. It’s literally a constant nagging pain all on my pubic bone. It’s like the bone actually hurts... errrr! Any advice to alleviate would be welcome!