My birth story- Finally😊


I was due on December 6. My last appointment was Tuesday 12/5 and when i went there was no progress, only a quarter of a centimeter dilated & 50% effaced baby was -3 so my doctor scheduled induction for that Monday if baby didn't come by Sunday. She did tell me at my last two appointments that i have a small pelvis and she didn't know if i would be able to push him out.

I had been having frequent contractions in my lower back and butt so i figured i was making SOME progress and the morning of my induction i lost my mucus plug. When i got to the hospital, they checked me, i was still the same as my appointment.

Started pitocin at 7am and my doctor put in a catheter to help me dilate. Contractions weren't bad, started coming every 2 minutes and i was able to tolerate them. At 12pm my doctor checked me, i was at 6cm and 70% effaced so she broke my water.

She checked me at 6pm and there's was no progress, but i was contracting great. She reminded about my pelvis and they we may want to start preparing for a csection. I wanted an all natural birth but that had to end because they wanted me to get an epidural in hopes that my body would relax and i would be able to dilate. After the epidural she checked in an hour, my cervix thinned out more so we waited another hour and when she checked me there was no progression. So we had to prep for csection. The scariest moment of my life😩 but it was all worth it after i saw that little face❤️

On December 11 @8:48pm my little baby Jacob Anthony Standberry came into the world weighing 7lb4oz 20 1/2 inches long.

He's the cutest little baby ever, I'm so much happier than i have EVER been, this hasn't been the smoothest pregnancy but everything that i went through was so worth it and i would do it all over again☺️