Would you babysit while postpartum?


Hello new mamas. I already have 2 kids and I’m due in 3 months. Anyway, I babysit my nephew for over a year now. He was supposed to move away this past month but now it looks like they will not. Him moving would have worked out great because I’m 6 months pregnant. Anyway I think his mom is expecting me to continue to babysit after I have this baby. Even my husband has made comments like “whoa we will deal with 4 kids??” And I told him “no way. I’m not babysitting after this baby comes!” Is that so bad to say! Even though I had a baby last year I have already forgotten the struggles.

I want to tell his mom soon that she will have to find a new sitter. She doesn’t pay me so she should start thinking about day care. I feel like that’s too much to ask from me to take care of her child with a new baby and 2 of my other kids.

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