How did you ladies balance work/ 3rd trimester?


Hey there! It's not time yet, (I'm only 17 weeks), but I am a planner and would love some input! I currently have a part time job, and while it's not too demanding, we don't necessarily need the money either, it was just to helps us save up until the baby came when we first started ttc. That being said, I can't decide when to give my two weeks. I've tried to discuss it with my husband but he is so loving it doesn't help! (He always just says, "whenever you feel uncomfortable or want to be home"). When did you ladies decide it was time to be home? Is it better to just work until I can't? Or is it better to rest and have time to nest and relax? How much notice did you give employers (I don't plan on returning to this job). Thanks for your time! I know it's an odd question!