I told him im done...

Im thinking I’m just gonna move on because this doesn’t feel right.

This guy and I used to talk I’m oct oct. initially we were looking to just be casual but we ended up finding so much in common and getting into really deep conversations. He was always super excited to meet me, but because of school, i kept making him wait.

A few weeks later on the day of our date he tells he isn’t ready to meet me because he is still getting over the hurt of his break up and he didn’t want to continue.

I was crushed. I was so excited to spend time with him and he waisted my time.

I stopped talking to him and moved on. Last week he requested to message me of FB. He basically asked how i had been and asked if i was still hurt and asked for a second chance

I told him it wasn’t fair for me and i deserve i proper relationship and trust. Ive waiting for a while to have something serious. He said that was what he wanted to.

We started talking again, but it didn’t take long before the chase and the fire he had before seemed to fade. 😞

We planned a date today and he ended up nit being able to make it because he was spending time with his brother who was 2 hours away from our city.

He said something about having work closer to where his brother is and he didn’t want to have to drive there and back and wants to meet another time. He’s a mechanic and ive never heard if them having to travel 😑 like that. And even if that is the case he should have said that earlier.

He flaked on me again and i basically told him it wasn’t gonna work for me...