Negative home tests but have all the symptoms


So I was suppose to get my period between the 9-12th Dec, (one before that was 10th November and it was only a day) it’s now the 15th Dec and I’m still getting negative urine pregnancy tests, I’ve had my urine one done at the doctor which also came back negative but my doctor is convinced I am pregnant because of my symptoms. She told me to go get a blood test done on the 15th which I haven’t done yet 1. Because I’m scared it’s a negative (we have been trying for 2 years now and I have had miscarriages after miscarriages, never made it over 12 weeks) 2. Because if the tests are picking it up will a blood test? Like I would 4 something weeks.

Has anyone experienced something similar and was pregnant? Or are we getting our hopes up for nothing?