My little guy


This is my 3 child. And all of my pregnancies were very normal and by the book.

Except for this:

Went to the Dr last week for my 37 week check up I was dialed to a 4 at 70% effaced and station 2. Friday I ended up in the hospital due to having contractions every 5 mins apart by the time I got hooked up the machines the contractions had stopped. So I got sent home. Went all weekend having contractions but nothing strong.

Tuesday came around I started my day as I normally would. I felt a lot of pressure in my back and bottom. Went the the bathroom and noticed a really good amount of blood, so I laid down thinking I over worked myself (because that has happened before) I got up every hour to go to the bathroom and the bleeding had stopped. So I went back to doing my house work and I went to the bathroom and there was even more blood than before ( to the point I needed a pad) so I call the Dr to see what they wanted me to do. They told me to get checked out even if I get sent home.

Fast forward: get to the hospital, they check me and I'm 6cm and 100% BUT baby is breech. They started telling me that I'm gonna be going in for a emergency c-section.

My Dr finally get there and tells me that they are gonna try to turn the baby but there is a chance it could break my water and I'd have to have a c-section anyways. So they go ahead and try to turn him before I got an epidural (best advice I can give to someone if you can wait till the epidural do so! That pain horrible) I finally get the epidural they try 2 more times to turn him and nothing baby was still breech. So they immediately take me down for a c-section. Get down there and babies heart rate started to drop. So they had to work 10x faster. Got to the hospital at 12:15pm delivered him at 1:59pm.

Good part of the story is my little guy made his entrance! I'm absolutely in love!! 😍😍