
Jamie • BLESSED! I love my God, my husband, my kids and my country. Life is good!

We have 7 children. The youngest is 14 months and came 8 years after the others. He also still nurses.

We would LIKE to possibly have another after he is 2 so that he isn't raised 'alone', but with me being 35 already, I want to be in the best health I can be in and lose some more 'baby/nursing' weight FIRST. So we prevent at this time.

Last night, I dreamed we were expecting... TWINS. A boy and a girl.

Now, I have a LOT of kids, but I've never been able to imagine how moms with 2 AT A TIME are able to do it lol!!!

I just found my dream entertaining and thought I would share.

(No, I do not WANT twins, just thought the dream was funny 😂)