Sexual harassment at work


This kid I work with is pretty sweet. Everyone loves him. He’s 17 I’m 21. We are servers and I worked with him for the second time ever the other night. Well a few things happened that made me very uncomfortable. He kept saying I was so pretty all night, which was nice you know, I was getting complimented, that rarely happens. Well I was getting a drink for a customer and the cups are right under the machine. So instead of asking me to move he puts his arms around my waist to get a cup. I froze, I just didn’t like the whole vibe I got from that. Well I was going to let that go until I was walking by him and he slapped me on the butt. Twice. I was scared and upset. I’ve never been touched by anyone I didn’t want to be touched by or touched in anyway I didn’t want to be touched. So I froze and didn’t say anything to him. When I got home I told my mom (she’s the manager) and she’s pretty upset about it. So she asks him. He said he never did it. So she checks the cameras and finds all three incidents. She suspends him for a week. His mom calls and wants to see the tapes “bc that’s strong accusations” and I get it. But his family is rich and are pretty close with the owners. So me and my mom are scared they’re going to remove his suspension. That’s going to upset me so much. That I was made to feel very uncomfortable and they’re not going to care. But i could be completely wrong. I’m just still pretty upset about it all. And every one has kind of laughed about it. And I don’t think it’s funny at all. My mom is making it about her. Saying if they go over my head and remove the suspension, a decision I made then I’m quitting. Like no it’s the whole fact that they’re letting him get away with this.

I just needed to let it out. To people that wouldn’t laugh about it. I’ll update asap