time for my delivery story


so on Tuesday I went to the hospital for a scan to make sure the baby was fine which it was and the nurse mentioned how she could see my baby had a lot of hair on her head then the next day I went to my usual obgyn appointment which the doctor did a cervical check and this one was way more painful than the one he did last time...later that day everything was fine just the regular bleeding which was expected oh and my appointment time was 2:15pm... later that night at 8:40 I started experiencing some contractions which were very close it just got more painful as time went on until I decided to give up and asked my cousin to bring me to the hospital@3am which my mother did ask earlier if I wanted to go but I said no trying to be strong lol... anyways I got to the hospital gave my info got in then they hooked me up to see how consistent the contractions were mind u I was a 2 earlier at appointment and then I was a 3 when they checked then an hour later I got to a 4 and they decided to keep me around 5am later around 7 am I couldn't take it anymore so I asked for an epidural felt so much better when I got it...the baby's heart rate was getting to high plus I was getting feverish so they decided it was time to push(and they did break my water earlier) the pushing part was really painful for me having asthma and all I couldn't hold my breath long enough when they were counting the seconds to hold your breath..I was at it for a while then the doctor told me baby was really distressed and I would have no choice for a C-section I really didn't want to but since I couldn't do the pushing I had no choice but to and I was mad at myself..now off to the surgery room everything getting set up laying there numb I realized I'm really going to be cut up I cried a little then the nurse tried to comfort me lol then my mother came in the room later to be with me then I cried again telling me it's fine which I think she was crying herself cause I heard the nurse talking to her too...then after awhile i heard my baby girl crying which brought even more tears to my eyes I was just happy that she was fine and that I finally got to meet my baby she was born 12/14/17 and weighed 7 lb exactly and 18 1/2 inches long here's my ❤️beat

oh and the nurse asked if I got a sweep when I went to my obgyn since things progressed so quickly and I said no but if he did do it without asking me first that was just wrong but thinking back now maybe that was what he did cause it was really painful