Choosing between two Men?

So it’s very complicated and I need advice badly.....

been dating an older guy for a year now...

plot twist he was married yes I know it makes me look bad but you don’t need to judge me I already know

Things were great at the beginning but he was still with his wife, things got a little rocky...

he and his wife finally separated and but he still doesn’t talk about a future with me, but our relationship has gotten a lot better

Before we would argue badly and a lot now I can see he is trying in our relationship

But while all this happen I got close to a friend I have know for a year and half he knows about my relationship but he has always been single and always very respectful.

He says he loves me and we work together and we have hung out a couple times treats me like a queen...

and I just don’t know what to do?

Is it possible to love two men at the same time?