Our 2nd Heart Warrior Is Coming!


I've been dealing with high blood pressure since the very beginning of this pregnancy. I was hoping to control it enough for my scheduled induction the day after Christmas but around 36 weeks it went too rogue like my first pregnancy. The 24hr urine came back just over 300 so now I'm getting induced Monday night.

With my first, I didn't mind getting induced because we had no idea of his CHD. With this one though, I'm, for lack of a better word, petrified. I know he has to be taken to the NICU, but I just want that bonding time I got with my firstborn and I'm scared they are just gonna whisk him away without so much as a kiss.

I'm not telling very many people, so I need another outlet! Thus little guy doesn't have an official diagnosis yet, but he definitely has TGA. We'll find out after he's here if he has more defects.