I need opinions

So my bf has a guy best friend right

and ok its normal for guys to make dick and sex jokes, I get that

But the only conversations I have ever witnesses are of them talking about ducks, for example

his friend sent him nudes of a woman with a penis instead of a vagina and was like "youd like it" "this is your gf"

I was like wtf but I didnt say anything else about it

another time his friend drew some animated dicks and asked "which one would you like to sit on"

today my bf sent another screen shot of their convo and honestly I'm getting fed up with it

I don't talk to my friends about pussies and dicks like they do

I brought it up and he just says "meh he might low-key be gay but I'm just going along so he wont be alone with his weirdness" basically

I asked him if I should he worried but there's still a little doubt in me

Am I being overdramatic over this? btw we are long distance