Am I Being Ungrateful

So I have a dad who gets me stuff like he got me a phone cause my old one broke but, sometimes he's just really angry. At first he worked away from home so I thought maybe he was just mad when maybe the house wasn't vacuumed or what not as he would be home once a week. Recently he has been working at a new job by our home and he is even worse. He yelled at me the other day because my shoes weren't straight, I forgot to get a few pieces of clothes from the family laundry bin and he got mad, I left a pair of jeans on my moms bed and he got mad, my sheets under my bed had a few crinkles and he got mad. He yells a ton and I'm pretty emotional so it makes me cry a ton when I'm in my room. I watch YouTube videos sometimes on weekends and he yells at me because my room is directly in front of his and my sisters isn't, even though she does the same thing. I get I might be a little untidy but sometimes I think he forgets I am in high school and I rather have my desk have a few papers and maybe a t shirt than me fail a test. It's just annoying that he maybe holds me to a high standard for a clean room because he's "clean". Am I being a Brat or ungrateful. My doors closed so I can study and stuff which I think makes him think I never study and he always tells me I'm going to go to a crappy school or community college because I don't try which isn't the case.