Can someone who's in a minority be racist? (read description)

I know there's a difference between racism and prejudice, it's just that it seems like a lot of people I talk to believe it's physically impossible for someone who's in a minority to be racist. If, for some reason or another, a black living in the southwest US hated a Latino (for this circumstance, let's say this Latino is a legal citizen who always abides by the law) living in the southwest simply because of the illegal immigration thing that's been going on recently, would that not be racism? I feel like I'm really uneducated on these sort of things (which, if I am, is probably because I was raised in a private school that had a pretty even mix between all races and have never really been exposed to racism), and I want to learn, I just don't know where to start. So I figured I'd start here. So tell me, is it possible for someone who's in a minority to be racist?

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