Just out of curiosity...

Hey Ladies, those of you who was on the pill and got off, how long after did it take you to conceive? I've been on the pill since I was 15-ish and after getting married this year I've continued to be on it up until this past month. My husband was away working and I got caught up and didn't realize I needed a refill. He came home just about a week after I shoulda started it. We're not trying to conceive, we intended on waiting until sometime next year for me to just get off of it and let it happen when it happens. But we haven't been careful at all,(It's not easy when he's been gone working for 3 weeks)we've had sex every day but 1 since he's been home (a week) and it's I'm my "fertile days". I wouldn't be mad at all if I was pregnant. I'm just curious for now and for future reference. So from yalls experience does it take sometime for the pill to get out of your system or did it happen the first month you're off?