New to glow!! Need some support plz 😪


Hi everyone I’m new to glow. I’m always observing and reading but I guess I’ve been to shy to post but I love knowing I’m not alone. I’m an no good with the abbreviations so if someone can be so kind as to break it down for me that would be great. I’ve been trying to get pregnant even before my lovely new husband. I have a 6yr old and he wants siblings. I hate getting my hopes up cuz I get really into believing my own imagination out of pure desire. You know when you just know your Kent to be a momma.

Well I have really high hopes this month I’ve been feeling really sickie and weepy and my breasts are killing me and It’s not my period cuz it’s still a week away and I think I’m losing weight even tho I’m eating more and the weirdest that is raising the red flag this weird saliva issues it’s so weird. You know when your nauseated and saliva coats your mouth intensely but for me constantly but no puking at all. I hate getting my hopes up but I want this so bad 😪 and also my baby bunny suddenly doesn’t want to come near me and I’m like her mama it’s so strange I’m blaming that on the hormones I may be vibing out right now!

I’m pretty much crossing my legs at this point to keep it all in 😅