Ok I’m scared AF


I’m 39 weeks and 2 days. Literally just got checked Thursday and I wasn’t dilated any. Had some mild contractions for a couple days on and off 10-15 mins apart before Thursday. I got my pump yesterday and tried to do some nipple stimulation (I heard it takes hours to actually put you in Labor) but every since about 10pm I’ve been having TERRIBLE contractions mainly in my back. I mean nearly in tears every time. I feel like I have to poop right after but nothing. I have woken up by each contraction but haven’t timed them because I can easily fall asleep after. So far they are 8 mins apart so I know I have to wait till they are 5 mins apart for at least an hour ..Haven’t lost my mucus plug and no leaking from my water. Of course my fiancé is sleeping great right now while I’m freaking out.