I’ve used Glow as a natural family planner to avoid getting pregnant for (almost) 2 years, but we’ve...

I’ve used Glow as a natural family planner to avoid getting pregnant for (almost) 2 years, but we’ve been married for almost 7. Last year we decided to start a family so we continued to use Glow but as a way to help us become pregnant. My school year last year was super stressful so we weren’t expecting it at all last year. So we were at 1 year without preventing and it hadn’t happened. I began using ovulation tests two months ago and this month it worked! Glow helped me pinpoint the days and the ovulation test confirmed it. I am cautiously excited for this new chapter in our marriage. I am 34, soooooo close to the “at risk” phase. I hope and pray everything with this little peanut will be ok.