Need advice.


Hi I took a test last Saturday that was vvvvf but me and family could see. then took one early hours Wednesday morning like 2am and was negative. I've just took like 3 more test 1 cb 1 fr and 1 cheap from amazon. all 3 was negative. Now for last 3 months this site has been very accurate to when I was due on period. if anything came on a day before and no later then the actual date on this site. I was actually due for Af yesterday 15th. personally it's strange as last 3 months I've been a day early. am I reading to much into it. I feel like I'm waiting for a time bomb and my Af to start. but omg I wish it wasn't I just feel really bumed and stressed in waiting each month just for a negative to show up. Why am I late why did I get a very faint line now nothing. oh well thanks for rant bk to drawing board.