is this an evap?

I am thoroughly confused here! 12/1 I took a test because I had a few "symptoms" and it was neg then 12/2 my period started but it was lighter than normal and I still continued to have these "symptoms" so I took another test yesterday but in my haste to buy the cheapest one because I was being ridiculous I got blue dye instead of pink. I am almost positive I ovulated 11/18 which would have made perfect sense with period starting 14dpo and we have only had sex once which was 11/17 - busy schedules, 3 kids, not ttc but not really actively preventing either. With my other 3 no implantation bleeding or spotting and positive test like 9dpo. So anyway I took the test last night and gave it about 30 sec thinking if I was already 6 weeks that it would show up instantly and I threw it in my purse because I didn't want my husband to find it in the trash and laugh at me haha but then about 3 hours later I went to throw it away and there is a definite 2nd line. It's not super dark but it is for sure blue not gray like I'd expect an evap? I've only ever used pink dye before and never had an evap line and the sad thing is I have no idea when it showed up I forgot about it completely so it most definitely could have been in the 10 min window it says on the box or way later. I know obviously I need to retest but just curious what this looks like to someone else if you've ever had an evap like th

is.  Also if it does turn out positive now I'm freaking out because it's light and I had a "period" at least 3 days of bleeding so what would that mean?  Seems like way too much to be implantation and it would have been 14dpo unless I'm off on when I ovulated.  With my 2nd at 8 weeks I had bleeding and it was a hematoma but never this early.  I'm really leaning toward its an evap.