Birthing Class Already?


Im sorry this is so long just felt the need to share.

Today I have my birthing class and I think my husband is more excited than I am! He's not excited that we are having to take an 8hour class because of how my work schedule was but more so excited of what it means. It means we are that much closer to meeting our baby boy. It means only 25 days till my due date! It means he gets to hold and snuggle his son 💙 He tells me everyday how much he wishes our baby was here so he could snuggle him, but how he knows the baby will come when he's done baking 💙 I can't wait to see how he looks at our son. I can't wait to see him snuggle with our son. I can't wait to even just see him holding our son. I think we are both way too excited because its our first baby, but I don't care. Not very many people let us be excited in my first trimester because his brother and his wife had a miscarriage like 6years ago and they were stuck on that. His whole family "just be careful your still in the first trimester" We got pregnant within 2 months of trying, I know we are extremely lucky to have gotten pregnant that fast. When I tested 3days early I just had this feeling. and when that test came out positive at 4

5:02am May 2nd I wanted to scream in joy! I wanted to dance around the house. I was so excited, I hadn't thought it would happen so fast. Then when we announced to his family at 9 weeks( after my first ultrasound) They took our excitement away. I knew i could miscarry. I didn't need them reminding me. I know they ment good, and didn't want us to be so upset if we did lose the baby but would that really help? My whole side of the family cried when we announced. They had been telling us we should have a baby. We secretly has already made plans to start trying after we got moved. But with the excuses we gave them nobody expected it 💙 So after weeks of being scared I'd lose my precious baby ( well after 20 weeks I was still terrified) I finally hit 36 weeks 3 days. (I know something could still happen but I don't feel the need to be scared anymore 💙 ) After weeks upon weeks of extremely bad morning sickness(lost over 30lbs). After weeks of hurting so bad I could barely walk (partially because of working 50+ hours a week) I have all of my excitement and just want to run around my neighborhood screaming "I get to meet my baby soon!"

Again sorry for the such long drawn out post! I just needed to share the scare and excitement of my pregnancy with people who are close to the same point in their pregnancy!