Natural but not by choice....

Britt • 🏝 living life with my lil family ❤ DNW 12.4.17 ❤️ IAW 8.22.19 ❤️

I had pains at night that were awful but then they were gone in the morning. I had a scheduled doctor’s appointment that morning and the doctor told me they were contractions and his head was down super low. She said he can come anytime now but I was only 37 weeks and not fully prepared. I was fine until nighttime and the contractions started over again. I was laying on the couch and then I felt a pop and a gush of liquid came out. I was in shock and was thinking to myself… did my water just break?! My boyfriend was just teasing me a couple minutes before about wearing plastic undies just in case it broke while sleeping. lol I called the doctor’s office and my mom then off to the hospital. So they put me in the triage room and hook me up to monitor baby boy and me. I was informed that they would take swabs of my vagina and send it to the lab to see if my water actually broke. The lab came back saying it didn’t break which I didn’t understand. So they wanted to wait an hour and half to see if there was cervical change. My contractions got worse and worse. My mom and my boyfriend were looking at my contractions spiking. Thirty minutes after they took the labs, my contractions were crazy and I used the bathroom. Then five minutes later, I had to use the bathroom again but this time I felt like pushing and could feel his head. Then they rush me to the delivery room. I was in there for 5 minutes and they kept telling me not to push. I couldn’t help but push because he was forcing himself out. Before they even got the IV in my hand, he shot out of me onto the bed…. No doctors present. It was the craziest thing! Baby boy was 5 lbs 1 oz, 3 weeks early but totally healthy!