Not enough


I’m having a serious issue with my dh. He says over and over again he wants to have a baby.. we’ve been TTC for 5years and this last year dr has put me on meds to ensure I’m ovulating, which I am. But every time before I start the meds I ask him if he is ready since there is a strict schedule to bd. He always says yes more than anything he wants this too.. so I take the meds that make me a crazy lady.. and then we end up having sex once or twice because he’s just too tired.. or not interested.. or like last night he just couldn’t but then stayed up until 2am. I’m to the point right now I’m going to search for a sperm bank. I seriously can’t take him saying he’s ready but then backing out while my body is on meds.. uhhh I’m not sure what else to do. He is 33 and I’m 29. Anyone have any suggestions? I just feel really upset which I’m sure you could tell in my sentences! I can’t take this anymore. Since we got married 6yrs ago we typically only have sec 2-3 times a month which I know will not bring pregnancy this late in the game.. just so confused!