Befuddled and Scared


Ok so I’m 22 years old and I’ve been talking to this guy consecutively for 4 months on the 24th of this month. I met him at his job earlier in the summer of this year and we just clicked. I didn’t give him my number or anything because I was still hooked on someone else at the time and I didn’t want to shorthand him.

Well, 3 almost 4 months into talking to each other and I’ve come to realize that I think I really love him.

PAUSE— this is where the title comes in.

I’ve said this PLENTY of times before about guys in the past. I’ve dated someone on and off for 2 years. Like met their family, attended family trips, church trips, everything. And here I am saying it again about another guy.

I’m tired of sounding like a broken record so I just tell myself to suppress the feelings because we’re at that awkward stage in our lives where it seems like “it’s one thing after the other”. But honestly, he makes me smile through it all and vice versa.

My question is: how do you know you’ve found “the one”.

I honestly researched it and got a lot of lists that are pretty damn close to my feelings, but I need to hear from real people rather than a blog or magazine article.