Steps to prepare myself👶🏼

🎀🌻Morgan Walker🌻🎀 • Mommy of two angels💛😇. Rainbow baby due April 2021❤️🌈

Hello ladies! My fiancé and I have been ttc for about two years now. December of 2016 I found out I was a month along. Unfortunately for us we miscarried on Christmas that same year 😞. We were successful again in March 2017 but miscarried again June 2017. So we decided to wait a while before trying again, the two miscarriages is still taking a huge toll on us.., so I wanted help from you gorgeous ladies. What did you do to prepare yourself for pregnancy before conceiving? Meaning, did you take any vitamins other than prenatals? Also I want to shape up my body before trying to conceive again, and hopefully give myself a better chance. What exercises or work out plans have you ladies used or recommended? Thank for you your time ladies!