
I been with husband for 2 years or so. Never have I cheated on him or anything. Even on our darkest times I was always there faithfully. Well we jokingly play around alot, I’d say oh im pregnant and he would be like oh well its not mine cuz i have never finished inside of you so the baby is not mine... but thats how we play around!! Well fast forward today, im 4 days late and i told him and what is his response that i cheated on him for sure cuz he never finished inside. And im like shut up not time for jokes but he assures me that he’s serious and that if i am pregnant its not his. What do i do?? Im so scared to be pregnant and he will leave me bcuz he thinks its not his! Which it would be but i cant seem to make him believe me. Any advice?? Can i get pregnant if he finishes outside my vagina? Or with his precum?