Do I have a bad friend?

Right so this is really complicated cos you reallt wont get it if you arent me but i need to try anyway. So one of my best friends we have been friends for years, we are both in high school and it just seems like she doesnt like me anymore. We arent in the most popular of crowds at school so I guess you could say we are kinda shy? So i struggle with depression i have for years (im now getting better, not as bad as before)but i never told anyone till a few months back when i told her....big fucking mistake, i had self harmed as well i never properly told her but i think she guessed it. She says how she is struggling too and shit and I try to be there and i get its hard to open up about but i dont know how to help her when i cant help myself. I found out that she is bisexual a few weeks ago. I dont think of her any different, im supportive. But im straight so i cant really help her with being insecure about that. She always seems so desperate to put me down or to just get attentjon. She will send me a picture of a tear then when i ask whats wrong she will not tell me anything. then get angry at me, we have arguemnets quite alot. She says hurtful things but i dk if she is playing or not because best friends joke about stuff and insult you but i take it personal. If i ask her something when she is "mad" at me ahe will be like get over it. it doesnt fucking matter, she calls me so much shit and the only thing i call her is bitch. Whenever im mad at her as she has started an arguemnet she will always flip it aorund for me to feel bad cos she will say something to just make me feel like a shit friend even tho it was her that started it all. I kinda told my mum a little of how she causes me stress, i have anxiety not told anyone but my mum yet. But my mum doesnt think she is a good friend. When im off school i will ask her what to do or ask heer something so i can catch up and she will NEVER help me. i have always helped her but i dont want to anymore. she is kinda ignoring me now and doesnt really want to speak to me nicely. She nevers starts arguements in person, because she cant ignore me when she doesnt know how to repsond just acts like everything fine, and uses me. I just dont know what to do anymore. Shes just such a bitch. Im probably missing out alot but i think that's enough

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