Dear Mom

Dear Mom,

You do way more than u should for others. You’re the most selfless person I know. You deserve so much more than what u have. I love Dad but I know he’s not the one for u. I’ve seen so many other couples and comparing them to you guys, it’s kind of depressing. I know u guys love each other but you guys just don’t match up and I know u know this. The amount of times you’ve considered divorce is crazy. And me and my brother don’t do enough for u. We don’t help out, we r doing busy with our social lives, and soon we will both be in college and then what will happen? You’ll have no one and I’m afraid your depression will set in again. And I know your happy but I also know you’re not at the same time.

You deserve way more than any of us give u. You deserve a better house, a better car, more vacations, etc. than anyone else I know. And ever since I was little I’ve been striving to get a well paying job so I can give you all of this. I just hope I can do it in time. I’m really sorry for all the shit I put u through and I really don’t mean it. I know I’ve told u countless times but u r the only person who has truly always been there for me and u r my best friend. I dont know what I would do without u. I love u mom and I’m really sorry this was the life you were given, although I seem happy, I know u aren’t.