Should I let my parents spend however much they want on Xmas?

My parents make decent money. My in-laws don't and spend around $20 on one gift for each grandchild. I have one daughter. My parents want to spend they SAY $100 but it always ends up being more. My dad has good intentions and just thinks 'I make money and want to spend it on my kids/grandchildren'. My mom has borderline personality disorder and definitely uses money to "win" grandkids over. My mom needs boundaries and limits because she has A LOT of mental issues. Anyway, ideally I would like my oarents to just spend $20 on each of my children because I feel that's what a normal grandparent does. But I did what i thought was compromising and said If you spend $50 on each of us that would be fine. My parents are not okay with this. I don't want my children spoiled rotten and want them to have their big Christmas with me and husband not grandparents. My dad got very upset and said my husband and I are very prideful and horrible at accepting gifts and that we're wrong in this situation. What do you guys think?

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