So the cutest thing just happened to me lol


So me and my husband have a thing were we have to kiss before he leaves to work.

We even kiss even if we’re arguing lol😂 idk why we always have to but it became a thing. This might sound so silly to some people but to me it’s just so cute! So today while he’s leaving for work.. rushed and late lol he doesn’t have time management. Anyways. He left without a kiss.. I didn’t mind but as he was leaving I said I love you babe be careful and oh you forgot a kiss! I said something I didn’t hear while running to the car lol so I locked the door and like 2 seconds later he rushed back trying to unlock the door.. and I was right there so I unlocked it he just gave me a kiss and ran off.. it’s just so cute. We been having a hard time lately so just cute things like that just brighten up my day. I know it’s so silly but I really do appreciate the love. Even if it’s just from a kiss. He risked being late to work for a kiss.. I think that says a lot ❤️