Sweet Baby Girl ❤️


On Saturday November 25th I woke up around 4 something in the morning to use the bathroom, as I go back to lay down I️ tell my boyfriend I’m not feeling well. I go to lay down and feel this sharp pain in my stomach so I go lay on the couch thinking I’ll sleep better lol. I have another contraction so I’m like okay maybe I should time these before I call my grandma. I call my sister and while speaking to her I have about 5 contractions so I hang up on her and call my grandma to see if I should go to the hospital. I’m a FTM BTW so I didn’t know what was going on lol. Around 8 she say I should go to the hospital. We get there around 9 and I’m 2 centimeters dilated. I planned on going natural butttttt I got the epidural. I’m in the room and they’re asking me questions and i get light headed and throw up. They finally come check me a hour later I’m at 4 centimeters. They move me to my room and I ask about the epidural again. She comes in 5 minutes but it take a while for me to get it because I’m having contractions back to back. FINALLY I get the epidural and I immediately feel no pain just pressure they come to check me again I’m at 7 centimeters now, my nurse wanted me to try to get some rest but whenever i had a contraction i felt it in my butt so i couldn’t sleep lol. They come back in the room probably an hour later and say I’m at 9 centimeters and whenever i feel pressure just push. I pushed for 23 minutes and my baby girl finally came into the world. She came out crying and as soon as they put her on my chest she stopped crying. I was in Labor for 6 or 7 hours! As soon as she got on my chest i felt complete ❤️