Tonight I crossed over to crazy


Tonight I got sick of it, I’ve been the one asking repeatedly to be forgiven and for what? For leaving a shower cap and lotion at his house because he always wanted to have sex in the shower and well it hasn’t been constantly but I have been calling and texting. At one point I called him in tears because I had gotten into a fight with my friend and wanted to know if I could spend the night at his house this was prior to my calls and texts he seemed really concerned asked what was wrong and said yes I could stay at his house. Only to text me that I couldn’t later on and when I called he blocked my number he has since had a woman and his friend answer his phone! The woman was moaning and he told me that he sends my texts over to his friends in a group chat so they can laugh at me. This was a guy who initially told me that I was to be his wife, also said he wanted a lot of kids just to say after unprotected sex in which he came inside of me that I was delusional because he can’t have any kids! But also told me to

Take a plan B when I told him I wouldn’t and therefore there’s a chance of pregnancy was when he told me he couldn’t have kids. Well tonight I got fed up and wrote the word bitch on his car with my liquid foundation......I wish I had more strength to have just walked away but for some reason it just always feels like I’m the one who did something wrong and can fix it