Confused and alone in time of need.

So my father suffered a stroke attack 2 days back. This was the second attack. The first happened six years back when i was 16. He was hospitalised and things were pretty rough rn. I messaged my boyfriend crying my eyes out right after my dad got admitted in the ER and they confirmed the attack. It was around 1am and well he talked to me for approx 15 mins and then dozed off. Well i didn't blame him.. he had to go for work in the morning. I legit cried all night and had panick attacks but dealt with everything alone. Next day he messaged me at 7pm in the evening after a whole day. He didn't bother messaging me and asking me about my dad the entire day. Well i didn't complain or anything and talked to him notmally. He told me he wasn't able to go to work that morning cause he wasn't able to wake up. And to my surprise i just saw a picture of him on instagram with a group of his friends which by the way included around 7 girls two of them who have already shown interest in him. He skipped work and went out with all of them for movies and lunch while he knew i needed him. And when i confronted him with it he told me that "since we aren't official or anything he is not bound to stay with me when i need him" by offical he meant that we aren't married. And that just blew me away. Also we were supposed to go out that exact day but my dad got hospitalized and he said to me since my father got hospitalized and he couldnt ask me to go out with him after that, he decided to go out with all those girls instead. I'm just I don't know what to say to him after hearing this. I mean aren't you suppose to be there for the person you love when they need u the most? :'( he usually always has excuses for me, excuses for not to talk to me or not to hang out with me but I don't think about those much. But this time i just couldn't take it. Btw when my dad had a stroke for the first time he was just so kind he always used to be around and helped me through it all and that was the reason i actually fell in love with him. But now he just seem like a completely different person. Not the person i actually fell in love with. Am i being irrational am I overthinking it? Please advice me if i should just end things now? Since being with someone who cannot even be there for you when u need them is that justified?